23-24 MARCH - Ventomania, Roman theater in Gubbio
29 MARCH - Holy Friday, Sacred performance “La turba” in Cantiano
29 MARCH - Holy Friday, Procession of the Dead Christ in Gubbio
25 APRIL - Flag-waving exhibition in Piazza Grande in Gubbio (11.30 am)
8-9-10-11 MAY - Cann di Maggio in Assisi
First Sunday of May - Descent of the Ceri from Mount Ingino
Mid-MAY - Flowering in Castelluccio di Norcia
15 MAY - Festa dei Ceri in Gubbio
28 MAY - Palio della Balestra in Gubbio
1-2 JUNE - Corpus Domini, Infiorata in Spello
15 JUNE - Quintana Festival in Foligno
19th and 30th JUNE - Gaite Bevagna Market
Last week of JUNE - Giostra del Saracino in Arezzo
From 28 JUNE to 14 JULY - Festival of the two worlds in Spoleto
2 JULY - Palio di Siena
From 12th to 21st JULY - Umbria jazz in Perugia
14 AUGUST - Torneo dei quartieri (crossbow shooting) in Gubbio
16 AUGUST - Palio di Siena
First week of SEPTEMBER - Giostra del Saracino in Arezzo
14-15 SEPTEMBER - Festa della Quintana in Foligno
From 20th to 23rd SEPTEMBER - Festival del Medioevo in Gubbio
From 30 SEPTEMBER to 6 OCTOBER - Palio dei terzieri Città della Pieve
18-27 OCTOBER - Eurochocolate in Bastia Umbra
1 NOVEMBER - White Truffle Market Exhibition in Gubbio
From DECEMBER until 7 JANUARY 2025 - Christmas Land in Gubbio and the largest Christmas tree in the world.
25th and 26th DECEMBER / 1st and 6th JANUARY - Living nativity scene in Petrignano (5.15pm – 7.30pm)